
Momentum is an interesting thing. By definition, it starts slow and gains power over time. When it reaches full speed, its progress is almost effortless. And while we all love the idea of gaining momentum in our life, business, career or relationships, we sometimes forget that momentum comes with a certain level of risk.

Compare a car and a train. A car can rapidly accelerate, steer, and stop. In the world of passenger vehicles, a car is light weight and fragile. When a car runs into light post, the car suffers more than the light post.

A train is very different from a car. Slow to accelerate and reliant on a defined track, a train needs miles to stop. The king of passenger vehicles, when a train collides with any object the only thing left is a dented train!

The risk of momentum is that it is hard to stop, impossible to steer, and can destroy things in its way. Looking through the lens of passion and commitment, those risks sounds acceptable. But when considering our families, our friends, or our faith, the calculus can change.

I encourage everyone to get on the train, but only when you are ready; when the whole family has purchased tickets; when the tracks take you into the light rather than into the darkness.

Nothing can stand in your way when you are on the ride of your life.

One Life. No Compromises.

3 Comments on “Momentum”

  1. MOMENTUM – I like your philosophy and wisdom. It has short and long term goals, and requires introspection and humbleness. Nice work.

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